Saturday, May 8, 2010

Leonard J. Roybal Endorsed by CLC

The people of northern Santa Fe County can count on Lenny Roybal. Here is another ad running in newspapers that helps explain why...
(click on ad to make it larger).
County Commissioner * District 1
First on the ballot as
Leonard J. Roybal

TeamLenny2010 thanks you for the support and contributions to the Lenny Roybal campaign -- and that has allowed us the resources to run these newspaper ads throughout the district ! Thank you and remember to vote Tuesday June 1 and bring your neighbors !!!!! (click on the ads to make them larger)

The CLC endorses County Commission candidate:
The Northern New Mexico Central Labor Council, at its May 5, 2010 meeting , endorsed Leonard J. "Lenny" Roybal in the June 1st Primary election. Twelve local unions were represented at the meeting.

THIS ad is running in newspapers. Click on it to make it LARGER.

Leonard J. "Lenny" Roybal is running for Santa Fe County Commissioner District One.